Flex Calendar Component

This calendar component is great. It’s still has some bugs in it, but it’s my favorite Flex calendar component out there.

It was originally developed by Ely Greenfield and some bug fixes and enhancements were made by Jove Shi. This post exists because Jove’s site is offline and I’m sure people would like to benefit from his hard work, so I am hosting what I believe to be Jove’s latest source (download below). If Ely or Jove have a problem with me hosting it, please let me know and I’ll take it down.

Ely’s post about it

Ely’s Example Page:

Jove’s enhancements and bug fixes:
Download (.zip) 823KB

19 thoughts on “Flex Calendar Component

  1. Hello.
    I’m new to Flex. Please help me – how to make those source files work in Adobe Flash Builder 4? i need only to translate it and remove one button but it says there is some kind of error with Ellipse.as (Ellipse.as: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 3.)

  2. Thanks! Great that you shared this source. I couldn’t find the fixed version anywhere… 5 stars!

  3. Hi, I try to download the .zip file Jove’s enhancements and bug fixes
    but iI think the .zip it’s corrupt.

    Could you chect it please?

  4. Converted this code to use Spark, works great. Also, runs on mobile 4.6 SDK, iOS…thanks for posting…most of the Calendar’s out there are either crap or overpriced. If anyone wants this, let me know.

  5. Hi Chad Upton, i want to change the dataprovider of this example to a arraycollection.. which steps i have to bypass.. Because when i am giving an arraycollection, its converting it in to calendarEventObj and storing in Arraycollection. how can i run this example by providing a simple arraycollection dataprovider

  6. Assets failed to compile. Design Mode is unable to display the document styles, skins, and images because the following assets have failed to compile:Details :exception during transcoding: Cannot embed local font ‘Arial’ as CFF. The CSS @font-face ‘local()’ syntax is not supported. Please specify a path directly to a font file using the ‘url()’ syntax. For [Embed] syntax the ‘systemFont’ attribute is not supported. Please specify a path directly to a font file using the ‘source’ attribute.(dvGeneratedAssetsReferences.as – Line:8)unable to build font ‘MyArial'(dvGeneratedAssetsReferences.as – Line:8)exception during transcoding: Cannot embed local font ‘Arial’ as CFF. The CSS @font-face ‘local()’ syntax is not supported. Please specify a path directly to a font file using the ‘url()’ syntax. For [Embed] syntax the ‘systemFont’ attribute is not supported. Please specify a path directly to a font file using the ‘source’ attribute.(dvGeneratedAssetsReferences.as – Line:11)unable to build font ‘Arial'(dvGeneratedAssetsReferences.as – Line:11)

  7. Fahad, tell me what things you have tried to fix it and I’ll try to give you some more ideas.

  8. Hi, add calendar button works but it does show the added calendar information above the ‘Add Calendar’ button as specified in the app.mxml line 27
    I tried to debug and found calSet.calendars is always null. I understand there are more logic so that one can remove an added calendar but without something shown in the Databox, the removal will not work. Is there any latest version to make this work? Appreciate your reply.

  9. hi, typo from my last comment, Should be “add calendar button works but it does NOT show the added calendar information

  10. Hi,
    Really nice component. I am trying to work on android app that needs a calender and is being developed in flex 4.5. Does anyone have a working copy that was used in flex 4.5?


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